Tara Twomey Langel, Penn ’03

I imagine you are being inundated with information specific to Coach Greenberg. Nonetheless, I appreciate you taking the time to read this email. My name is Tara Twomey Langel. I was fortunate to have played for Coach Greenberg at the University of Pennsylvania from 1999-2003. I’m also married to a college basketball coach. My husband Matt Langel is currently the head men’s basketball coach at Colgate University. I have been directly involved in college basketball and coaching for the last 15 years.

Coach Greenberg took the job at Penn in the Spring of 1999 and immediately offered me a spot on her team. I was thrilled to be her first recruit and am forever grateful for the opportunity she provided me.

My four years at Penn turned out to be four of the best years of my life. Coach Greenberg and my experience as part of her program had a lot to do with that. Together as a team we won the first Penn Women’s Basketball Ivy League Championship, but the life lessons I learned from Coach Greenberg mean more. She taught me how to work hard, compete and to give 100% every day whether it was in a practice or in a game. I didn’t realize it at the time but this message still resonates with me today over 10 years after I played my last game. She taught me about the importance of family, togetherness and valuing the needs of the group over personal needs. As a wife and mother I use these lessons daily.

Thanks again for taking the time to understand how significant Coach Greenberg is to me and how much of a positive impact and influence she has had on my life.